Essential Behavior Strategies:

a paraprofessional’s guide to behavior in the classroom

Give your paraprofessionals effective training with the knowledge and strategies to manage classroom behavior. It covers essential concepts, proactive techniques, and de-escalation methods. Includes note pages & chapter checks for understanding.

Individual Use

The full Training Guide

102 pages of content, notes, and checks for understanding

One of our everyday tools…we don’t even put it away because we use it so often.
— Special Educator

5 Classroom License

The full Training Guide

102 pages of content, notes, and checks for understanding

allows the right to use in up to 5 classrooms

We use it to guide our training for our new staff in the classroom.
— Special Educator

Get Chapters Individually

Chapter 1: Behavior Basics

Foundational principals of behavior in the classroom

notes and checks for understanding not included

Chapter 2: Proactive Strategies

Proactive Strategies to prevent problem behavior

notes and checks for understanding not included

Chapter 3: De-Escalation Strategies

De-Escalation Strategies to implement when behaviors do occur

notes and checks for understanding not included

interested in school wide or district wide licenses contact me for pricing